
Movement : our first langage Introduction to « Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy »

Movement is central to all experience and serves as fundamental supports for contacting. The movement repertoire that develops early in life is a language in itself, that conveys desires, intentions and emotions. Even though our movement patterns have changed over time, the foundation established early in life remain readily observable and available in our every day experience.

Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy is a relational and movement oriented approach to psychotherapy within a contemporary Gestalt therapy framework. It is a comprehensive system of phenomenological analysis that allows practitioners to diagnose and treat their clients using movement experiments.

A long training will set in after this introduction from August 2020 to December 2021.


Helena Kallner, MA, MSc, UKCP - Sweden

Practices Gestalt psychotherapy in Stockholm.
Helena, is a Senior Teacher of Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™, presenting workshops throughout Europe and Russia. She is presently a doctoral student at Metanoia Institute/ Middlesex University, researching psychotherapists use of movement and Kinesthetic Resonance in psychotherapy.


November, 22-23-24, 2019


IFGT, 16, rue Alphonse Penaud,
Paris, 75020
Subway Line 3rd Porte de Bagnolet

Secrétariat: 9h-12h30, 13h30-16h du lundi au vendredi (fermé le mercredi)

Si vous êtes dans une situation de handicap, nous vous invitons à contacter notre référent handicap :

Dr Hervé Cabrol

Email : dr.herve.cabrol chez
Tél : 05 46 99 61 11